




Hakkaido Obihiro

Discover a Glimpse of Spirited Away in the Mesmerizing “Lake of the Sky” at Lake Shikaribetsu, Hokkaido

Step into a scene seemingly plucked from the beloved Studio Ghibli film, “Spirited Away,” as we introduce you to the ethereal Lake Shikaribetsu, a hidden gem nestled within Hokkaido’s Tokachi region. A picturesque spot where rails vanish into a celestial lake has captivated travelers and netizens alike, garnering vibrant snapshots paired with exclamations of its resemblance to the spirited world of Chihiro.

Embarking on a Journey to the Enigmatic Lake Shikaribetsu

Situated approximately 210 kilometers by car from Sapporo and roughly 3 hours (about 200 kilometers) from New Chitose Airport, Lake Shikaribetsu offers an enchanting escape to those willing to make the journey. An online search for “Lake Shikaribetsu photos” or “Hokkaido vanishing railway into the lake” will likely yield an array of mystifying images, where the railways submerge into the crystal-clear lake, tempting explorers and photographers to its shores.

Visitors often share awe-inspiring photos of the photogenic railway as it seemingly leads into the abyss, likening the surreal visuals to the mythical world crafted by Studio Ghibli.

A Wealth of Nature and Ancient Creatures Lurking in and Around

According to the Hokkaido Official Guide, Lake Shikaribetsu is the only natural lake in Daisetsuzan National Park, holding the title for the highest-altitude lake in the region at 810m, with a depth plunging close to 100m at its deepest. Engulfed by pristine forests of fir and spruce trees, it maintains a romantic aura that whispers tales of ancient nature.

The lake, originating from a volcanic eruption nearly 30,000 years ago, features an enchanting islet, Benten Island, adrift in its northern waters, while Mt. Tenbo on its eastern side casts a shadow, thus affectionately being dubbed “Lip Mountain,” emerging as a symbolic presence for Lake Shikaribetsu. Rich in biodiversity, the surrounding woods harbor living fossils like the Pika, along with a host of precious wildlife including ospreys, white-tailed eagles, black woodpeckers, and herons, offering a tangible connection to an ancient, primal world.

Immerse Yourself in the Mystique: Canoeing, Trekking, and More

With a remarkable clarity that allows visibility to its bed from the lake’s edge, Lake Shikaribetsu presents a kaleidoscope of sun, sky, and surrounding forestry mirrored upon its surface, offering a sublime and mystical view that broadens as you gaze from afar.

While the disappearing rail into the lake is a visual marvel, don’t stop there. Engage more deeply with the mystery by canoeing upon its serene waters.

Despite a touch of disillusionment – learning the railway, rather than leading to a submerged temple or city, serves pragmatically for hauling boats ashore before the lake’s icy winter transformation – the magnetism of Lake Shikaribetsu prevails.

Winter Transforms: The Emergence of an Ice Village

During the frosty embrace of winter, the frozen lake hosts an ephemeral Ice Village, “Shikaribetsu Kotan,” for a mere 60 days. A spectacle in itself, it invites visitors to bask in another facet of its charm, aligning stars above with the shimmering ice below.


■Shikaribetsu Kotan
Location: 〒081-0344 North Kabocha Curtain, Shikaoi Town, Kato District, Hokkaido, No Address
Date: Late January to Late March
Official Website
Shikaribetsu Nature Center
Official Website

Embark on a voyage to Lake Shikaribetsu and immerse yourself in a landscape where reality and fantastical worlds intertwine, inviting you to explore, dream, and discover a piece of Hokkaido’s enchanting allure.




  1. 16タイプ性格診断
  2. Discover hokkaido
  3. event tokachi obihiro
  4. ise festival
  5. Lake of the Sky
  7. TCRU
  8. TIP
  9. tokachi obihiro winter hokkaido snow
  10. UIJターン
  11. waoje
  12. インタビュー
  13. インデアンカレー
  14. おびひろ平原まつり
  15. おびひろ氷まつり
  16. クラフトジン
  17. クリスマスマーケット
  18. サウナおすすめ
  19. スパイスカレー 新得
  20. ソフトクリームラリー
  21. たかまん
  22. とかちイノベーションプログラム
  23. とかちの講師ガイド
  24. ビアガーデン
  25. ファーマーズマーケット
  26. プチ移住
  27. フライフィッシング
  28. ふるさと納税
  29. ポツンと一軒家
  30. ますやパン
  31. マッチングサイト
  32. マッチングシステム
  33. モール温泉
  34. 上士幌町
  35. 人材紹介
  36. 依田勉三
  37. 六花亭
  38. 北海道グランピング
  39. 北海道サウナ
  40. 北海道温泉
  41. 北海道移住
  42. 北海道観光
  43. 北海道観光おすすめ
  44. 十勝 イベント クリスマス お花
  45. 十勝イベント
  46. 十勝スロウフード
  47. 十勝ドリームマップ
  48. 十勝バス
  49. 十勝求人
  50. 十勝牛
  51. 十勝産小麦100%
  52. 十勝石
  53. 和牛
  54. 国産小麦
  55. 国際農業機械展
  56. 地方創生
  57. 地方移住
  58. 地方起業
  59. 天然素材
  60. 天空の湖
  61. 山忠祭
  62. 帯広
  63. 帯広アロマ
  64. 帯広イベント
  65. 帯広おにぎり
  66. 帯広カフェ
  67. 帯広グルメ
  68. 帯広コーヒー
  69. 帯広サウナ
  70. 帯広スイーツ
  71. 帯広そば
  72. 帯広ドーナツ
  73. 帯広パスタ
  74. 帯広ハンバーガー
  75. 帯広パン屋さん
  76. 帯広ピラティス
  77. 帯広ラーメン
  78. 帯広ランチ
  79. 帯広三大祭り
  80. 帯広喫茶店
  81. 帯広寿司
  82. 帯広市
  83. 帯広整体
  84. 帯広映画
  85. 帯広求人
  86. 帯広牛
  87. 帯広神社
  88. 帯広移住
  89. 帯広蕎麦
  90. 帯広藤丸
  91. 帯広豚丼
  92. 広小路マーケット
  93. 書評
  94. 求人セミナー
  95. 満寿屋商店
  96. 焼肉の日
  97. 熱気球
  98. 牛とろフレーク
  99. 物流拠点
  100. 田舎暮らし
  101. 登録支援機関
  102. 秘湯 北海道
  103. 移住体験コラム
  104. 経済界
  105. 経済界大賞
  106. 美学
  107. 美学者
  108. 育児休業
  109. 芽室東工業団地
  110. 蕎麦屋
  111. 藤丸閉店
  112. 街頭テレビ
  113. 街頭放送
  114. 豊西牛
  115. 豊頃町
  116. 豚丼
  117. 豚丼レシピ
  118. 豚丼帯広
  119. 逢坂芳郎
  120. 音更町
  121. 高橋まんじゅう屋
  122. 鹿追町
  123. 麦音
  124. 黒曜石


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