





Experience the Magic of Winter at the 62nd Obihiro Ice Festival! January 29–February 2, 2025

Discover the Magic of Winter in Tokachi!

Looking for an unforgettable winter adventure? The 62nd Obihiro Ice Festival, one of Obihiro’s three major annual events, invites you to experience the beauty and thrill of Hokkaido’s snowy season. From dazzling ice sculptures to fun-filled activities and delicious Tokachi cuisine, this festival has everything to warm your heart—even in sub-zero temperatures. Make your way to Obihiro this winter and create memories that will last a lifetime!

When it comes to Obihiro’s iconic festivals, three stand out: the summer “Heigen Festival,” the autumn “Chrysanthemum Festival,” and the breathtaking “Obihiro Ice Festival,” held every winter.

This three-day event is a must-see for anyone visiting Hokkaido in winter. Taking place during the coldest time of the year, the festival transforms Obihiro into a sparkling winter wonderland with dazzling ice sculptures, enchanting nighttime illuminations, and exciting attractions for all ages. From thrilling ice slides and spinning sled rides to a maze made of snow, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. And, of course, no festival in Tokachi would be complete without an array of mouthwatering local delicacies to savor.

Why Obihiro’s Winter Festival Shines Bright

You might wonder why people gather in freezing temperatures to celebrate. But in Tokachi, the colder it gets, the more lively the winter festivities become! The Obihiro Ice Festival celebrates the region’s harsh yet beautiful winters, making it an unmissable event for visitors and locals alike.

A Storied Tradition: From Humble Beginnings to Iconic Event

The Obihiro Ice Festival began in 1964 at a small rink at Obihiro Elementary School (now Central Park). Featuring sculptures like “Grizzly Bears” and “Sea Horses,” it captured the hearts of the community with its creativity and charm. The festival also included a parade, costume contests, lantern-lit marches, live broadcasts, and fireworks.

Over the years, the festival has grown to include larger and more intricate ice sculptures, local gourmet food stalls, and exciting activities for all ages. It’s now a cherished winter tradition that defines the season in Obihiro.

The Highlights of the Obihiro Ice Festival

Stunning Ice Sculptures and Enchanting Illuminations

The star attraction is the intricate ice sculptures created by skilled artists and craftsmen. By day, they shimmer under the bright Tokachi sunshine, while at night, colorful lights transform them into otherworldly art pieces. Visitors return year after year just to see the magical nighttime illuminations that are perfect for photography. Don’t forget your camera or smartphone!

Interactive Activities for Kids and Adults

The festival isn’t just about admiring the art—it’s also about getting involved! Families flock to enjoy interactive attractions like the ice slides, spinning sleds, and snow mazes. These activities promise laughter, thrills, and unforgettable winter memories for everyone.

Warm Your Heart with Tokachi’s Gourmet Cuisine

No winter event is complete without delicious food. At the “Ice Marche,” you can indulge in a variety of warm dishes made with locally sourced Tokachi ingredients. Nothing beats savoring a hot meal in the crisp winter air—it’s a quintessential Hokkaido experience.

What’s New for 2025?

This year marks the 62nd Obihiro Ice Festival, with the theme “Warmth and Joy in the Northern Winter.” Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Intricate ice and snow sculptures
  • Ice slides, spinning sleds, and snow mazes
  • The 41st Hokkaido Ice Sculpture Competition
  • Children’s Ice Mask Exhibition
  • Paper Bag Lantern Festival
  • Winter Fireworks
  • Ice Marche featuring Tokachi gourmet food
  • Stage performances and attractions for all ages

Whether you’re here to marvel at the artistry, join in the fun, or simply enjoy a delicious meal, the Obihiro Ice Festival offers something for everyone.

Festival Details

Dates: January 29–February 2, 2025
Location: Special venue in Obihiro (typically around Midorigaoka Park)
Admission: Free (some activities may require a fee)
Access: About 10 minutes by car from Obihiro Station; city buses will also be available
Organized by: Obihiro Ice Festival Executive Committee
Bundle up, bring your sense of wonder, and get ready to embrace the best of Tokachi’s winter magic. The Obihiro Ice Festival is waiting for you!


  • 記事を書いたライター
  • ライターの新着記事




  1. Experience the Magic of Winter at the 62nd Obihiro Ice Festival! January 29–February 2, 2025

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  6. 帯広・十勝の求人・移住情報はTCRU!正社員・パート・アルバイト一覧【随時更新】


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  1. 16タイプ性格診断
  2. Discover hokkaido
  3. event tokachi obihiro
  4. ise festival
  5. Lake of the Sky
  7. Project Tokachi
  8. TCRU
  9. TIP
  10. tokachi obihiro winter hokkaido snow
  11. waoje
  12. Webライター
  13. winter festival Hokkaido
  14. アンガーマネジメント
  15. インターンシップ
  16. インタビュー
  17. インデアンカレー
  18. からあげグランプリ
  19. カレー専門店
  20. カレー屋さん
  21. キャンプ
  22. クラウドファンディング
  23. クラフトジン
  24. グランピング
  25. クランベリー
  26. クリエイター
  27. クリスマスマーケット
  28. ケサディーヤ
  29. コラム
  30. サウナ
  31. サウナー
  32. サウナおすすめ
  33. ジンギスカン
  34. スイーツ
  35. スパイスカレー 新得
  36. ソフトクリーム
  37. ソフトクリームラリー
  38. たかまん
  39. タコス
  40. デザイナー
  41. とかちイノベーションプログラム
  42. とかちの講師ガイド
  43. とかちむら
  44. バーガーキング
  45. パラレルキャリア
  46. ビアガーデン
  47. プチ移住
  48. ブックカフェ
  49. ふるさと納税
  50. ポツンと一軒家
  51. ホリエモン
  52. モール温泉
  53. モルック
  54. ラーメン
  55. ライター
  56. ワインショップ
  57. 上士幌町
  58. 中札内村
  59. 人材紹介
  60. 依田勉三
  61. 六花亭
  62. 初詣
  63. 北前船寄港地フォーラム
  64. 北海道グランピング
  65. 北海道移住
  66. 北海道観光
  67. 北海道開拓の歴史
  68. 十勝
  69. 十勝 イベント クリスマス お花
  70. 十勝スロウフード
  71. 十勝ドリームマップ
  72. 十勝バス
  73. 十勝ヒルズ
  74. 十勝求人
  75. 十勝牛
  76. 十勝産小麦
  77. 十勝産小麦100%
  78. 十勝石
  79. 和牛
  80. 因幡はねる
  81. 国際農業機械展
  82. 地方創生
  83. 地方移住
  84. 地方起業
  85. 大樹町
  86. 天然素材
  87. 天空の湖
  88. 小麦粉
  89. 山忠祭
  90. 工業団地
  91. 帯広イベント
  92. 帯広おにぎり
  93. 帯広カフェ
  94. 帯広コーヒー
  95. 帯広サウナ
  96. 帯広スイーツ
  97. 帯広そば
  98. 帯広ドーナツ
  99. 帯広パスタ
  100. 帯広ハンバーガー
  101. 帯広パン屋さん
  102. 帯広ピラティス
  103. 帯広ラーメン
  104. 帯広ランチ
  105. 帯広喫茶店
  106. 帯広寿司
  107. 帯広市
  108. 帯広整体
  109. 帯広映画
  110. 帯広求人
  111. 帯広牛
  112. 帯広神社
  113. 帯広移住
  114. 帯広豚丼
  115. 広小路マーケット
  116. 書評
  117. 柳月
  118. 母の日2024
  119. 求人
  120. 求人セミナー
  121. 海外進出
  122. 満寿屋商店
  123. 焼肉の日
  124. 熱気球
  125. 父の日
  126. 牛とろフレーク
  127. 牛乳
  128. 物流拠点
  129. 田舎暮らし
  130. 登録支援機関
  131. 白樺樹液
  132. 秘湯 北海道
  133. 移住体験コラム
  134. 舞いあがれ
  135. 芽室町
  136. 蕎麦屋
  137. 豊西牛
  138. 豊頃町
  139. 豚丼
  140. 豚丼帯広
  141. 輸出セミナー
  142. 農業十勝
  143. 逢坂芳郎
  144. 酪農
  145. 障がい者福祉施設
  146. 音更町
  147. 高橋まんじゅう屋
  148. 鹿追町
  149. 麦音
  150. 黒曜石




